Utilizing the facilities of URJ Camp OSRUI, Temple Sholom of Chicago provides families with a forum to explore how the B’nai Mitzvah experience is a step to Jewish living and becoming a mensch. At the same time, the program builds community by getting away to enjoy Shabbat time together at camp. Clergy and educators facilitate the adult and family programs, with the Youth Advisor leading children’s programming. Time is provided for parents and children to connect, together and separately, with other families as well as clergy and staff, to enjoy relaxed meals, play games and learn together. Siblings are also welcome.
Innovation doesn’t have to mean creating from scratch, resist the urge to over-program, and empower participants to shape the program.
Grade levels: 3, 4
Learners: Children (pre-B’nai Mitzvah), Parents, Siblings
Year Implemented: 2016
Temple Sholom of Chicago
Chicago, IL
1000 member units
Reform Congregation
B’nai Mitzvah each year: 55-70