What aspect of your bar or bat mitzvah experience would you like to rewind and play again? The reBar project stands on this premise: “We were 13 when we made our bar/bat mitzvah commitments. Let’s see if they apply today and make commitments for the future.” Parents are invited to revisit their own adolescence or b’nai mitzvah from an adult perspective in order to understand the experience their child is going through. Parents affirm core Jewish values that are relevant to their life today and consider how they would like to engage Jewishly, both at home and in the community. Parents then dialogue with their child about the Jewish values they would like to affirm in his or her b’nai mitzvah. The free reBar DIY Toolkit includes all the materials necessary for engaging parents and families in these conversations, either during the course of a six-week curriculum or in a single evening.
Because each community is different, adaptation of the reBar materials may be necessary. reBar staff is available to assist congregations interested in implementing a reBar program.
Learners: Children (pre-B’nai Mitzvah), Parents
Parents have the option of doing their own individual reBar, or the materials can be used in a group experience.
Year Implemented: 2013
New York, NY