Innovations List by Organization

Below you will find all the innovations included in the Guide listed alphabetically by home organization.

Clicking on the name of the innovation will take you directly to its profile in the gallery.


Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple
Cleveland, OH
Intensive Study and Creative D’vrei Torah


Bet Ha’am
Portland, ME
Ask Me a Big Question


Central Synagogue
New York, NY
B’nai Mitzvah Brit

Congregation B’nai Israel
Fayetteville, GA
Meet the B’nai Mitzvah

Congregation B’nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim
Deerfield, IL
My Israel
My Personal Prayer Journey
Team Tzedek

Congregation Beth Ahabah
Richmond, VA
Pre-B’nai Mitzvah Ceremony

Congregation Beth Am
Los Altos Hills, CA
Ritualizing Moments on the Journey

Congregation Har HaShem
Boulder, CO
Ma’ameinim: Learning Mentors
Project-Based Learning
Creative D’var Torah

Congregation Rodef Sholom
San Rafael, CA
B’nai Mitzvah Family Retreat

Congregation Solel
Highland Park, IL
B’nai Mitzvah Experience – Mitzvah Project


JCC of Manhattan
New York, NY
Brit Atid


Mayyim Hayyim Living Waters Community Mikveh and Paula Brody & Family Education Center
Boston, MA
Beneath the Surface, a Program for Bat Mitzvah Girls and Their Mothers


Oak Park Temple B’nai Abraham Zion
Oak Park, IL
Sixth Grade Family Class


PeerCorps Detroit
Detroit, MI
PeerCorps Detroit


New York, NY

Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel
Elkins Park, PA
Visual T’filah and Creative Writing Classes


Sherith Israel
San Francisco, CA
Kvelling and Storytelling

Shir Tikvah
Minneapolis, MN
Beyond the Barchu


Temple Adat Elohim
Thousand Oaks, CA

Temple Beth El
Charlotte, NC
B’nai Mitzvah Madrichim

Temple Beth El of South Orange County
Aliso Viejo, CA
Relationship-Building Retreats

Temple Beth Elohim
Wellesley, MA
Personalizing the B’nai Mitzvah Experience
Ma’asim Tovim

Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills, CA
Journey to the Bima

Temple Isaiah
Lafayette, CA
Hebrew Through Movement/Hebrew Side by Side
B’nai Mitzvah University

Temple Israel
Columbus, OH
Values Action Experience

Temple Israel of Hollywood
Hollywood, CA
Family Legacy Project

Temple Kol Tikvah
Woodland Hills, CA
Taking the Torah Home

Temple Sholom
Fanwood, NJ
Values-Based B’nai Mitzvah Process

Temple Sholom of Chicago
Chicago, IL
3rd & 4th Grade Family B’nai Mitzvah retreat 


Union for Reform Judaism

University Synagogue
Irvine, CA
Individualized Learning Plans


Wilderness Torah: Center for Earth-Based Judaism
Berkeley, CA

Woodlands Community Temple
White Plains, NY
Family Torah Study